SENAI BA 2019: SENAI Bahia 2019 Courses, Registration, Vacancies
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Did you know that it is possible to study at SENAI BA 2019? If you live in Bahia and want to study, now it's possible. Find out more about the courses that SENAI BA 2019 offers and see how to register!
O SENAI 2019 or National Industrial Learning Service is one of the oldest educational institutions in the country. The best courses for the industrial sector are found at this institution, which has trained hundreds of professionals.
Those who are unable to afford the costs of a monthly fee should check out how to register for the courses offered by the school. Having a professional certification makes it easier to enter the job market.
Follow all the information below and start studying as soon as possible.
Basic Industrial Learning
O SENAI BA 2019 offers the population the training modality in Basic Industrial Apprenticeship.
This type of training is aimed at candidates who are between 14 and 21 years old at the time of completing the course.
The courses offered in this modality give young people the opportunity to have complete professional training, being able to work in the job market immediately after the course.
Requirements charged by SENAI BA 2019
To participate in the selection processes for courses Basic Industrial Learning, students must meet some mandatory requirements. Check out:
- Be between 14 and 18 years old or 21 (maximum age for completing the course);
- Be attending elementary or high school or have already completed it;
- Not be enrolled in any course offered by SENAI.
One of the determining factors for participating in the selection process is that the student has not abandoned their studies.
SENAI BA 2019 Courses
The list of courses SENAI BA 2019 It hasn't been released yet, but it will be soon. Below, you can see the list we made with the courses available in previous editions. Look:
- Administrative assistant;
- Industrial Electrician;
- Tobacco Processing Assistant;
- Production assistant;
- Industrial Machine Maintenance Mechanic;
- Administrative assistant;
- Quality Analysis Inspector.
Vacancies and registrations at SENAI BA 2019
Vacancies and registrations at SENAI BA 2019 They are not yet available, but they will be made available soon. In general, they take place completely online, candidates just need to follow the guidelines below:
- The first step to follow is to visit this pageThe and search for the notice corresponding to the vacancies;
- Correctly fill in the information with personal data, the option of the course you want to take, city, month and course shift;
- Fill out your ID and CPF numbers and the socioeconomic questionnaire correctly.
Documents to register SENAI
As soon as the result of the selection process is announced, the successful candidate must appear at SENAI BA to enroll. The documents that must be presented are:
- School transcripts or certificate of completion of high school;
- Proof that you are attending the 9th year of Elementary or High School;
- Candidate's CPF, even if he or she is a minor;
- Original ID and copy;
- 2 recent 3×4 photos;
- Proof of residence;
- Work Card.
SENAI BA contact
If you want to ask any questions about the courses at SENAI BA, just send an email to [email protected]r or:
- Call: (71) 3534-8090
- Visit the address: Rua Edístio Pondé, nº 342 – Stiep – CEP: 41770-395